I Need To Play Games(!) April 2013 Edition

Recently, I have been able to spend money this month on a couple of games. Some of which I got cheaply and a game that a friend recommended to me.

And then there is some games that I have purchased before Christmas and I have hardly played and I would like to play and then there is a game that I want to finish!

The games that I -need- to play this month.

Bioshock: Infinite – I bought it because it was cheap and it looked so good compared to Bioshock 1,2 which I personally didn’t like, so that is why I purchased it.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 MP – I just want to get back into CoD, but the community is killing the game (Surprise, surprise hahaha)

Cities in Motion 2: A friend told me to pick this up. It’s like SimCity but just public transportation. Have yet to fully get into it.

Civ V: I HAVE to sit down and play this game. A lot of people that I have talked to have said that the game is great and that I should spend my time playing that.

TERA: I am playing this A LOT! and I don’t think I will stop playing this. I just don’t have that much time in the evenings while I am working to play the game.

Trackmania 2: Stadium – I have played a lot of this game ever since I bought and then for no reason, I stopped playing. I don’t know why. I would like to get into a routine, where I am playing TM2 every night as a habit along with TERA.

Unity of Command: I just need to play that game and that is that.

What are you plaything this month, if anything? Let me know in the comments 🙂