The Cozy Vibes Café

The Cozy Vibes Café

UPDATE 2024-07-24

CVC is gone. I have decided to replace the lot with a simple forum on a generic domain,

I spun up a new Cloud Server with Discourse on it, so please check it out and see if you like it!

A little bit of everything

Recently, I launched a new forum that is going to be a to 'chill out' on the internet.
It's going to be a place where we (as a community) can share videos, chat anime, manga, memes, and whatever else of interest as if we are in a chill cozy café.

The Cozy Vibes Café
Relaxing community for everyone

I have always had a dream of opening my own café for people to come in for literally hours to study, socialise or simply chill out listening to the calm/relaxing music while sipping a hot cup of coffee.

Nothing much is there at the moment, but hopefully, with a few people contributing, we will be able to make this something special.

As I want this to be a place to escape from the rest of the internet, there are no serious discussions and no discussion of politics or religion.

The Cozy Vibes Café
Relaxing community for everyone

Of course, this is only the outline of what the café is. With more and more customers (users), as a whole, we can shape the community into something bigger and better.

I am also trying to use fewer 'Big Tech' services where I can for this community. There isn't going to be a Discord server, no Twitter, even down to the analytics which I have replaced with a self-hosted Matomo for all my sites!
The only external service that is being used is Mastodon for outage notifications or potentially important updates. (

So pop on into the Cozy Vibes Café, grab a coffee (or tea) and have a relaxing time.

The Cozy Vibes Café
Relaxing community for everyone

(Oh and in case you spell cozy as cosy, I have you covered 😉 )