Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Presents 2012

    Mum & Dad – A top gear magazine with calender. A €50 voucher for Dunnes and a Pot Noodle.



    Granddad – €20

    Aunt – €30

    @Sansui350A – 800 Microsoft Points

  • Recommendations for Steam Daily Deals – Day 5

    UPDATE: For some explainable reason, Steam has decided to moved the “Elder Scrolls Franchise Pack” and the “Half-Life Complete” pack from the Daily Deals, down to the Flash Sales. Prices seem to be the same and my comments stand on those games. For the games that they were replaced with, I can’t comment on the games, I have never played “Of Orcs and Men” or “Endless Space”. I do apologise for that error!

    Hi guys, this is something that I am going to do for this sale. A personal recommendation on what games that you should buy in the daily deals.

    Remember, do not buy anything until the final day.
    If a game is 60%+ discounted, you will probably not see that deal again during the sale and you should pick it up.

    Make sure you have a look at the flash sales that change throughout the day and the Community Choice sale on the right side of the front page. Note, once you see those on sale, there is a very slim chance that you will see them again in a daily deal but anything is possible with Steam!

    All prices will be in €.

    Deals from yesterday rollover are still on sale for 24hrs. So check out my post from yesterday if you missed any deals yesterday!

    Sonic Franchise – €29.99 – Get every Sonic game that is on Steam for the price shown. Every game in that bundle except for Sonic 4 Episode 1 is good! S4E1 is just BADDDDDD. You can also pick up Sonic Generations on their own for about €15 or Sonic Adventure 2 for about €4.

    Call of Duty Franchise – MW3 €29.99, BO1 €29.99, MW2 €12.49, CoD4 €12.49, CoD2 €9.99, BO(Mac) €19.99 – WHO PREDICTED THIS! Every CoD game is on sale bar the current game. Well done Activision, you know how to piss people off. The DLC for the games are also on sale (Check the link). CoD4, BO1 and probably MW3 is the one’s to get MW2 is just hacked to hell. Even though it’s not on sale, do try and pick up Black Ops 2 if you want to. It is a great game and the multiplier is a breath of fresh air.

    Company of Heroes Complete Pack – €6.23 – This includes the game, the 2 expansions and the soundtrack (which can be got for free from that page). It’s a RTS Military sim. I have played it, but I couldn’t get my head around it, but I should try it again soon. For this price…sure, why not!

    Elder Scrolls Franchise – Skyrim €24.82, Oblivion GOTY €4.99, Morrowind GOTY €4.99 – The DLC for Skyrim is also on sale. Check it out in the link. Oblivion is a great game and Skyrim has a good modding scene because of the Steam Workshop. Now, I know that you can probably get this game cheaper on other sites, (Greemangaming, amazon etc), but if you can’t find a good deal on other sites, do pick it up here. Hopefully this time next year, it will be half of the current sale cost.

    Half-Life Complete – €9.24 – This will get you all the old Half-Life 1 games (Inc Blue shift and Opposing Force) and TF Classic. It also includes Half-Life 2, Ep1 and Ep2. If you have never played these games at all…Then why are you on Steam?! These are the flagship games for Valve! Do yourself a favor (or your friend) and purchase this pack!

    Mass Effect Collection – €9.99 – This is for Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition. The third game in the series is not on Steam because you all know how much EA loves Valve (Status: It’s complicated), so if you want to get the 3rd game in the series, I highly recommend that you check out Origin to see if they have the game on sale over there. I haven’t played any of the Mass Effect games, but this seems to be a pretty good deal for what you are going to be getting in this pack.

    Have a good look around the site for any hidden deals (Indie games are full of them), and if you would like to purchase me something for christmas, you can check out my wishlist and gift it to me. Doing that will give you the achievement on your profile as part of the achievement set.

  • Recommendations for Steam Daily Deals – Day 4

    Hi guys, this is something that I am going to do for this sale. A personal recommendation on what games that you should buy in the daily deals.

    Remember, do not buy anything until the final day.
    If a game is 60%+ discounted, you will probably not see that deal again during the sale and you should pick it up.

    Make sure you have a look at the flash sales that change throughout the day and the Community Choice sale on the right side of the front page. Note, once you see those on sale, there is a very slim chance that you will see them again in a daily deal but anything is possible with Steam!

    All prices will be in €.

    Deals from yesterday rollover are still on sale for 24hrs. So check out my post from yesterday if you missed any deals yesterday!

    Super Street Fighter IV – €10.74 – If you are looking for a good old school fighter, then you should know about SSF4. Do grab it! That is all I got to say about it.

    Saints Row: The Third – €7.49 – if you are looking for a comical “parody” of Grand Theft Auto and still looking for some serious action, then Saints Row is a great game. All done 3rd person (like GTA), but doesn’t fall short of any content, guns, vehicles and side missions. If you didn’t get it in the Humble THQ Bundle a couple of weeks ago, pick it up now!

    Portal Franchise – €6.24 – Do you not have this game? Why? You should have this game! This is a puzzle game with a difference! Do yourself a favor and purchase it NOW and play it NOW!

    I can’t comment on the other daily deals as I have not played or seen anything from those games.

    Have a good look around the site for any hidden deals (Indie games are full of them), and if you would like to purchase me something for christmas, you can check out my wishlist and gift it to me. Doing that will give you the achievement on your profile as part of the achievement set.

  • Thank You for 2012

    Hi everyone.

    I know it’s coming up to the end of the year and I am not going to do a bit for bit highlight of 2012 and bore you lot (That would be boring to write), so I just want to say “Thank You”.

    I have met some new friends on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and other sites throughout the year and I hope to be friends with those people throughout 2013 and 2014 and 2015 etc etc.


  • Recommendations for Steam Daily Deals – Day 3

    Hi guys, this is something that I am going to do for this sale. A personal recommendation on what games that you should buy in the daily deals.

    Remember, do not buy anything until the final day.
    If a game is 60%+ discounted, you will probably not see that deal again during the sale and you should pick it up.

    Make sure you have a look at the flash sales that change throughout the day and the Community Choice sale on the right side of the front page. Note, once you see those on sale, there is a very slim chance that you will see them again in a daily deal but anything is possible with Steam!

    All prices will be in €.

    Deals from yesterday rollover are still on sale for 24hrs. So check out my post from yesterday if you missed any deals yesterday!

    Dota 2 – €13.59 – If you are into MOBA’s and into games such as the original Dota or even League of Legends then you should pick this game up. This includes ingame items (hence the price) but the game can be got for free. If you don’t pick this up, don’t worry. It will come out eventually.

    Dungeon Defenders – €2.99 – A tower defense game that is in 3D. Do check out the game as it’s really really good. I haven’t played DD, but from what I have heard, it is a really good game. And you should pick up the collection for €12.49

    Dawn of War II Franchise – €9.99 – This will get you everything to do with Dawn of War 2 and Dawn of War. DoW and DoW2 is pretty good, so if you are into RTS’ like Starcraft and Command and Conquer, you should buy this.

    Blood Bowl – (€4.99 for Legendary, €14.99 for Chaos Edition) – This game is hilarious. It’s a comical version of Rugby and American football in a fantasy world filled with magic and mischief. If you are looking for something funny and just for a laugh, I would buy this game.
    I can’t comment on the other daily deals as I have not played or seen anything from those games.

    Have a good look around the site for any hidden deals (Indie games are full of them), and if you would like to purchase me something for christmas, you can check out my wishlist and gift it to me. Doing that will give you the achievement on your profile as part of the achievement set.

  • Steam Holiday Sale 2012 Badges Guide

    This is the EASIEST way to get the badge and only requires 1 purchase!

    Shopping Trip – Log onto Steam using the mobile app that is available for iOS and Android!

    It Pays for Itself – Purchase a game that is discounted. Basically, purchase any game!

    The Holiday Spirit – Purchase a game as a GIFT. Choose to put it into your Steam Inventory. You will then have the choice to give it to someone, or you can claim it for yourself!

    Checking it twice – Have 10+ items in your Steam Wishlist. I automatically unlocked it since I had 30 items in my wishlist.

    After you get these, you have got the Steam Holiday Sale 2012 badge and you have the choice to not do anything more.

    If you are a completion-ist, vote on the “Community Choice” game every 8 hrs. You get a achievement for voting 5 times (Be The Decider) and again at 15 times. (The Will of the Electorate)

    Hope this guide has helped you!